Thursday, January 8, 2009

Getting Ready for Classes to Start: New Chair

I got my books today for the three classes I'm taking this semester. I also went to IKEA and got a proper or more proper desk/computer chair. Here's a picture of the chair.. its called "Snille" wonder what that means in Swedish? I have to say that this is the first item I have ever bought from Ikea and was able to put together myself. Go Me!

Go to if you want to see the options. I thought white was too boring and the pink well it was too pink for my office.

I got it in the blue green color. My office is mostly lavender and brown. With some turquoise, blue and silver. I have a cool chandelier too. I got it last year for Christmas.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I love the chair, is is comfortable? I will be looking for a new chair soon. Love Ikea.